Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mobile library in a cane basket!

These mountains are beautiful but they also pose serious challenges to the mountainous people.

I would like to use this blog of mine to share some interesting facts about a unique mobile library project running in Nepal. It is called Doko Dai Mobile Library Project.
The doko is a cane basket and is used traditionally to carry everything from cattle to fodder to sick people. Doko dai, if literally translated, means a brother carrying a basket and Doko didi a sister carrying a basket.

Now under this project the doko is used to carry books. The sebs website ( states that the porters (doko dai and doko didi) will lay down their dokos at certain stops along the route. For about a week, the stop will be converted into a mobile library where people can come and read and borrow books, newspapers, magazines and the like. The stops selected are easily accessible, usually schools, bazaars, chautaris (raised platform under a tree) outside the capital.

The undertakers believe that mobile library project is aimed to supplement educational materials and equip local communities with skills required for enhancing earning potential.

1 comment:

Zobe said...

What a fascinating way to get people their books! Can you imagine loading a bicycle with a doki and wheeling around South Florida in the summertime? The Bookmobile was either too warm or too cold in the summer, but I think I'd rather be there than a bike and you know how much I LOVED that Bookmobile, right?!!