Friday, July 11, 2008

Final summary!

Finally, after 23 accounts we can say with proudly say that we did overcome the challenges facing us in the process of learning Web 2.0.
My favourite tools so far are youtube and worldcat, library thing.

While exploring Web 2.0, I came across this sentence: Libraries are not merely in communities, they are communities. according A 2006 poll conducted for the American Library Association
found that 92% of respondents expect libraries to be needed in the future, despite the increased availability of information via the Internet. I, too think that the future of the library is bright.

I think with new technologies come new approaches and opportunities. The only important thing is that we have to move ahead adapting all relevant and useful tools and technologies so that we can cater to the need of the people. It is not an exaggeration to say that this exercise will not only help us identify research tool but will also take the level of interactivity to a new level. For Library use, this tool can be used to conduct book discussion or to give instructions to the patrons on various topics.
I would definitely like to participate in a similar project. But next time I will make sure that I do it in a small group as that can speed the process of self-learning.

1 comment:

Zobe said...

I left you a comment on your comment on my blog.